Truck-22 was dispatched to Hand Street in Tower City, Schuylkill County. The truck responded with a crew of seven and staged on Grand Avenue, with the crew reporting to Chief 66-01 on side-A. The crew was advised that the fire was confined to the chimney and was now out. The truck was placed available.
Automatic Fire Alarm, 300 Chestnut Street (Box 22-2)
Company 22 and Engine 23 were dispatched to the Alfa Laval Plant at 300 Chestnut Street for an automatic alarm sounding in the warehouse. Engine 22 responded with a crew of four, Truck 22 with a crew of four, Engine 23 responded with a crew of two, and four additional Company 22 personnel responded to the scene POV. Engine 22 arrived on side-C and found normal conditions. Engine 23 staged on side-D, and Truck 22 took side-A. The alarm was activated by wind banging the entrance door to the warehouse and activating a pull station. After confirming it was a false trip, command placed the box in service and advised the plant supervisor to have the pull station moved to a better location.
Structure fire with entrapment, 641-43-45-47-49 Main Street (Box 22-1)
Box 22-1 was dispatched for a working house fire at 643 Main Street in Lykens Boro, bringing companies 22, 23, 24, 21, and EMS from Medic 6. Chief 22, who lives 3 doors up from this location, came out his front door and saw 641 and 643 Main Street well off, and confirmed that there was entrapment. 641 and 643 and 645 Main Street were 2 and 1/2 story wood frame row homes with 647 and 649 Main Street being attached row homes as well. Engine 22 responded with 4, and laid 300 feet of 5 inch supply line from the hydrant at Main and Market Streets to the A/B corner, and placed two 2 inch 200 foot pre-connects in service. Truck 22 responded with 4, and approached the scene from Arch Street and came through the Mini-Market parking lot and set up on the A/D side. Engine 23 responded with 5 and laid a 5 inch supply line from the hydrant at Main and Spruce Streets and set up on the A/D side and pulled two pre-connects to side A. Engine 24 responded with 6, and laid a 5 inch supply line from the hydrant at North Second and Market Streets up and into the alley on the C side of the structure, where they pulled two pre-connects to the rear of the structure. Rescue 21 responded with 9, and they arrived and staged at the Dairy Queen and sent manpower forward to go interior. Medic 6 was first to arrive and found two patients in the Mini Market parking lot that were transported by Medic 6 and an EMS unit from company 24. Lykens PD also on scene. Crews from 22 and 23 attempted entry from multiple locations in an effort to locate an un-accounted for victim, and ran into intense fire and burned out floors and were forced back out. Fire was blowing out the A side through every door and window and through parts of the roof. Fire then spread to 645 Main Street. A crew from 21 entered the second floor C side of 641 Main, and breached a wall into 643 and knocked down what fire they found. A crew from 24 cut through and entered from the first floor side C into 643 Main and found the victim, who was deceased. The Truck crew went to the roof and trench cut it at 647 Main Street to stop the fire spread. Rescue 27 was dispatched for the RIT assignment. They responded with 5 and on arrival, staged behind Rescue 21 and set up on side A. Schuylkill Engine 650 was special called for manpower, and they responded with 5. On arrival, they staged behind Engine 23 and sent manpower forward. After the bulk of the fire was knocked down, crews rotated in to perform very extensive salvage and overhaul which took considerable time. Many pockets of fire remained and crews worked in the cold weather conditions to extinguish them. Engine 201 was relocated to station 22, and they stood by there until released. Additional EMS units from 24 and Schuylkill 961 responded to the scene. QRS 24 set up rehab supplies in the Mini Market parking lot. PPL arrived on scene and secured power to the structures. The County Coroner and FM-1 were requested to the scene, and arrived later into the incident. After control was marked, command released companies 24 and 21, and crews from 22, 23, and 27 continued locating and putting out remaining hot spots. A crew from 22 assisted the Coroner with retrieval of the victim, and after the properties were double checked for any remaining problems, command placed the box in service. Company 20 personnel assisted the Engine crew with repacking the 5 inch and 2 inch hose. Cause of the fire is under investigation.
Units on the scene:
Engine, Truck, and Utility 22
Engine and Rescue 23
Engine 24
Rescue and Utility 21
Rescue 27
Schuylkill Engine 650
Medic 6
EMS 24
Schuylkill EMS 961
Engine 201 in station 22
Lykens PD
DC Coroner
Company 22 dispatched class one on the 23-3 box to 1572 Pottsville Street for a structure fire. Truck 22 responded with 6 and proceeded out Market Street to Pottsville Street and arrived on scene side A of a 2 and one half story wood frame single family swelling with fire showing from the A side second floor and roof. Engine 22 responded with 6 and approached the scene by way of Main Street to Hill Street to Pottsville Street. On arrival, the Engine reverse laid a 5 inch line from the front of Engine 23 down Pottsville Street to the intersection of Hill Street where they established a fill site with the porta tank from Tanker 21 and supplied Engine 23 using water from Tankers 23, 24, and 21. Utility 22 responded with 1 and staged at Hill and Pottsville Streets. Truck crew laddered the building and took the bucket to the roof to vent. Engine crew assisted with water supply and extinguishment. Schuylkill Engine 22-11 from Muir, after completing tasks on scene, was relocated to standby at Station 22. After the bulk of the fire was knocked down and control marked, crews assisted with overhaul until released by command.
Company 22 alerted class 3 to 561 South Second Street in Lykens for basement flooding. This location was directly across the street from the fire station. Nine members arrived at the station and carried a portable pump and accessories across the street and set up to pump out the basement. The Boro shut off the water and the furnace was shut down. After clearing the water out of the basement the Company went available.
On March 2, 1888, a large fire destroyed several buildings at New Philadelphia, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Biscoe's large store, connected with the Alliance Coal Company's colliery, was totally destroyed, together with half a dozen other buildings. A steamer from the Pottsville Fire Department responded to the scene.
Carbon Tetrachloride Fire Extinguishers Banned - United States
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The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
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