Company 22 was dispatched non-emergency to assist at an accident, with fluids on the roadway, on Spruce Street. Engine 22 responded class 3 to the scene by accessing Spruce Street from South Street. The crew cleaned up the roadway and went available.
Company 22 was dispatched to Don's Food Rite for a truck fire, reportedly a tractor trailer with the rear brakes on fire. Engine 22 responded and found the tractor trailer to the rear of the Ben Franklin Store. The fire was out by the time of arrival. The crew investigated and, finding no need for their services, went available.
Company-22 was dispatched to assist Company-23 on a reported brush fire behind the Wiconisco Township Garage, the former Station-23. The company was placed in service by Chief 23-1 before responding.
Truck 22 was dispatched to Wayne Township, 127 Sheetz Road, for a man stuck 30 feet in the air in a bucket truck. Truck 22 responded with a crew of seven, and was canceled while enroute. The man was successfully brought to the ground.
On June 1, 2008, Chiefs 22 and 22-2, Captain 22, and firefighter Coleman were with the PSP Fire Marshal investigating the scene of a fire which had occurred the night before at a Reiff and Nestor storage building located across Rattling Creek from the main Reiff and Nestor plant. Several hot spots were observed in the ruins of the building. Engine 22-1 responded to the scene non-emergency, and the crew used on board tank water, a 1?-inch hose line, and pike poles to pull apart several areas of debris and watered them down. See 2008 call #35 for detail about the fire.
Truck 22 dispatched to Schuylkill County, Tower City Boro, to 301 East Grand Avenue for a kitchen fire. Schuylkill companies 66, 650, and 655 also dispatched. Truck 22 went enroute with 7, and was canceled while passing Williamstown on Rt 209 by Chief 66-01.
At the request of Chief 22-1 on scene, Engine 22 dispatched class one to the 5100 block of Powells Valley Road for an accident with no injuries, vehicle on it's roof. Chief 22-1 came across the accident and called it in. The vehicle's driver was unhurt. Engine 22 responded with 6, and Chief 22 POV. On arrival, the Engine staged below the crash site and the crew established a safe zone and controlled traffic in the area until the arrival of PSP and the wrecker. After the vehicle was removed and the debris cleaned up the Engine went available.
At the request of Chief 19-1, Engine and Utility 22 dispatched class three to assist Company 19 on a tree down call near the intersection of Powells Valley Road and Back Road in Jefferson Township. Engine 22 responded with 5 and Utility 22 with 4 and one member POV. On arrival, the crew assisted Brush 19 with tree cut-up and removal before going available.
After clearing the previous call and returning to station, as Company 22 was reaching the top of the mountain, Company 19 was dispatched to another tree down not far from the previous call, this time on Back Road near Powells Valley Road. Utility 22 turned around and added on to the 19 call to assist with manpower. Chief 19-1 directed the Utility to stand by at the intersection of Powells Valley and Back Roads while they set up cones and barricades around this tree, which had power lines down and in the tree. After setting up flares, Utility 22 was released and went available.
At the request of Chief 27 and EMS on scene Company 22 dispatched class three to 1111 Valley Road on the 27-4 box in Lykens Township for a medical assist. Chiefs 22 and 22-2 responded POV to bring the specialized patient tarp to the scene while additional members stood by in station. On arrival, the crew deployed the tarp and assisted EMS with transferring a large patient from the house to the Medic 6 transport unit. After completing the task Command 27 placed the box available.
Company 21, Engine 26 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 4686 Route 209 in Washington Township at the CVS Pharmacy for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 responded with 3 and was canceled while enroute.
The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.
The camera icon indicates that the detail page of the particular incident contains at least one picture.