On This Day...

On This Day (October 23rd)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Odor Investigation, 528 Market St (Box 24-11)

Medical Assist, 469 Main St (Box 22-1)

Medical Assist - Cardiac Arrest, 15 South Second Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 dispatched class one to the Rattling Creek Apartments at 15 South Second Street in Lykens for a cardiac arrest, medical assist. Chiefs 22 and 22-1 went to the scene POV, Engine 22 went enroute with 4 and Utility 22 with 2. Prior to arrival, Chief 22-1 on scene declared a signal 12. The Engine and Utility continued in class three. After arriving on scene and confirming that their services were not needed, Command placed the company available.
AFA, 4314 Route 209 (Box 21-1)
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Company 21 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 4314 Route 209 in Washington Township at Rite Screen for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 went enroute with 6 and was canceled by command 21 while enroute, faulty detector.
AFA, 147 Wolfe Rd (Box 21-4)
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Company 21 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 147 Wolfe Road in Washington Township at the Giving Light Fellowship Church for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 responded with 6 and was canceled by Command 21 while enroute.
Med Assist for forcible entry, 527 Spruce Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 requested by EMS to respond class three to 527 Spruce Street at the Opera House Apartments to gain entry for a patient that had fallen. Chief 22-2 responded POV to the scene and Truck 22 went enroute with 3. On arrival the crew gained entry through a window and made patient contact as Medic 6 arrived on scene. After assisting them with the patient the company was placed available.
Outside Fire, 9207 Route 209 (Box 24-3)
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Engine 22 dispatched class one to assist Tanker 24 at 9207 Route 209 in Williams Township for an outside fire. Engine 22 responded with 6 and Utility 22 with 2. On arrival the crew assisted the crew from Company 24 with extinguishing a pile of burning debris and once completed they were released by Command.
Medical Assist, 105 South 2nd street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 dispatched class one to 105 South Second street in Lykens on the 22-1 box for a medical assist for a patient having trouble breathing and EMS having an extended ETA. Utility 22 responded with 2 and Truck 22 with 5 and 4 additional members POV. On arrival the crew forced entry and made patient contact and got an initial set of vital signs. They treated the patient until the arrival of Tower City EMS 66-01. They then assisted in transferring the patient to their unit for transport to the hospital and then went available.
Medical Assist, 570 North Second street (Box 22-1)
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The crew had just backed into the station from the previous call when 24 EMS requested lifting assistance at 570 North Second street in Lykens. Utility 22 responded with 4 and Truck 22 with 4. On arrival the crew assisted 24-1 with moving the patient from the residence to their unit, and then went available.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.

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