On This Day...

On This Day (October 25th)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Fire, [Ed?] Clough's House

Structure Fire, 16 S 8th St (Box S.C.)
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Truck 22 was dispatched to Tower City in Schuylkill County for a structure fire. Truck 22 responded and assisted with ventilation and suppression activities until released by command.
Accident With Injuries, Powells Valley & Lykens Rd (Box 216-8)
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Engine-22, Rescue-23, and Engine-23 were dispatched for a reported accident with injuries on the Lykens Road in the State Game lands, off of Powells Valley Road. Chief 22-2 responded to the scene, and upon arrival reported one vehicle into a tree with driver self extricated, and a second vehicle in front of the wrecked car but not affected. Engine-22 arrived on the scene and confirmed one vehicle that appeared to have side swiped into a tree off the dirt road. The driver was with Chief 22-2 being assessed for injuries. Engine-23 was placed in service. PSP, EMS (Medic 6), and Victor-15 also arrived on the scene. Company personnel secured the scene, assisted with loading the patient in the ambulance, and then went available.
Medical Assist, 528 North Second Street (Box 22-1)
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Company-22 was dispatched to assist EMS on a AED call at 528 North Second Street in the Boro. Engine-22 and Truck-22 both responded, and arrived on scene with Medic Chief-6A. The patient was signal-12. Units were placed available.
Structure Fire, 476 East Market Street (Box 24-1)
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Company-22 was dispatched to a reported structure fire in Williamstown at 476 East Market Street. The initial dispatch included Truck-22 from our company, which responded with a crew of four. Other companies on the first alarm included 24, 23, 66, and Schuylkill County Company 66 (Tower City). Due to some units failing to respond and low manpower, Engine and Tanker 22 were also dispatched. Engine-22 responded with a crew of two. Truck-22 arrived on scene with Tanker-24, closely followed by Engine-23. The fire was contained to a single bedroom with minor extensions into the ceiling and hallway area. Truck-22 was set up on side-A, ground ladders were thrown, and a crew went to the roof to ventilate the structure. Overhaul was then performed in the first floor living room area directly under the second floor room with the fire. Afterwards, the roof was patched and Company-22 went available.
Water Flow Alarm, 50 Reiff Street (Box 22-3)
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Companies 22, 23, and Engine 24 dispatched to the Reiff and Nestor Plant at 50 Reiff Street in Lykens for a water flow alarm. Engine 22 responded with 4, Truck 22 with 4, and Chief 22 and Lieutenant 22-1 POV to the scene. Engine and Rescue 23 and Engine 24 also responded. Chief 22 arrived on scene and assumed command. The Boro Water Authority was out flushing hydrants, and had just finished flushing the hydrant in front of the plant when the alarm came in. The plant manager arrived on scene and along with Chief 22 checked the building and found no problems. It was determined that the water pressure change from the hydrant flow had triggered the alarm. Command 22 placed the box in service.
Smoke from a roof, 601 Main Street (Box 22-1)
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The commercial box was dispatched on Box 22-1 at 601 Main Street at the Israel Building for a report of black smoke coming from the roof. Chief 22 responded POV to the scene. Engine 22 responded with 4 and Truck 22 with 3. Rescue 21 and Engine and Rescue 23 also responded along with Medic 6. On the arrival of the Chief, it was determined that the smoke was actually coming from the cremation unit stack of the funeral home at 406 Market Street across the street from the Israel Building. Units relocated to that address and confirmed that there was no emergency. Command placed the box in service.
Structure fire with entrapment, 141 East Grand Avenue (Box S.C.)
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Truck 22 dispatched class one to 141 East Grand Avenue in Tower City Schuylkill County for a working structure fire with entrapment. Truck 22 responded with 7, Utility 22 with 2 and two additional members went POV. Updated information now listed the fire as 135-137-139 and 141 East Grand Avenue with a working fire in all structures. The Truck arrived on side A/B and was assigned to assist Pine Grove Truck 58-25 with laddering of the buildings and ventilation. Utility 22 arrived and staged down the block. The crew split up with half laddering the rear of the structure while the other half went interior to try and get to the second floor. The stairway had burned away and a ladder was used to allow access to the upper floor. Heavy fire was rolling thru the attic craw space which was common to all addresses. Truck 58-25 vented the roof in several locations and was later assisted on the roof by crew from Truck 22. Most of the interior of the second floor was heavily damaged by fire. Crew worked the C side and knocked down the bulk of the fire while other crews were working the roof and interior floors.The other crew went interior on the first floor and worked the way up to the second floor. One person was found inside and was deceased. After getting the bulk of the fire dug out and extinguished crews continued to pull ceilings and walls to dig out the remaining hot spots until control was marked. Numerous agencies were on scene including the coroners office and PSP as well as PPL. Company 24 was placed on standby in their quarters while Company 22 worked the scene. The crew assisted with victim retrieval and were then released by Command 66 and they returned home.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

There are no incidents recorded in our database for this date.
Other Noteworthy Incidents/Events (see Note 3)Hide

Train Accident - Tsu, Japan

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.
5.The camera icon indicates that the detail page of the particular incident contains at least one picture.

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