Two vehicles were involved in an accident with injuries on Rutter Road, in Jackson Township. A truck came down the hill and slid sideways with the front wheels going off of a dirt embankment and the truck bottoming out on the road. A car came over and slid down the hill, going up onto a guardrail, and rolling down an embankment, coming to a rest on the passenger side. The driver of the truck ran down and helped the driver of the car out of the vehicle. The driver of the car was transported to Holy Spirit Hospital by MICU 6-3. MICU 6-3 transferred their patient to Perry Ambulance 29-1 at the Halifax Fire Department Station 29, so they could stay in the area. On this accident Rescue 21 slid down the hill to the right side of the road and into a ditch. The cable from the front bumper winch was wrapped around a guard rail post and used to pull the rig out of the ditch onto the roadway. When the rescue got on the icy roadway, it started sliding down the hill, snapping the winch cable in the process. The driver got it stopped on the metal bridge that crosses over the creek. Damage to the rescue on this call was a snapped winch cable, a broken flood light, and a bent arm and bracket of the On-Spot chains. Units were on the scene for two hours. Units responding were: 2 EMT's from Company 13, MICU 6-3, Rescue 21, and Chief 216-3.
Accident with Injuries - Gratz, PA
Accident with Injuries - Halifax Twp, Dauphin Co, PA
On December 19, 2004, an accident with injuries and entrapment occurred when one vehicle traveling on South River Road (Route 147) struck a tree head on. There was a total of four patients, with two entrapped. It took a half hour to extricate them from the vehicle. Units were on the scene for one hour. Units responding to the scene were: Engine 29-1, Chief 13-C, and Ambulance 13-1. Units responding but cancelled enroute were: Ambulance 12-2, MICU 6-3, Perry Ambulance 29 (Duncannon), and Perry Ambulance 29-1 (Duncannon). Two patients were transported to Harrisburg Hospital by Ambulance 13-1.
Route 209 at Rabbit Hill, Upper Paxton Township, was the scene of an accident with injuries and entrapment. The roadway was extremely icy and slippery. Two vehicles were involved in the accident. One van struck a pole, and one vehicle had rolled. The arriving fire units reported that there were vehicles all over the roadway and advised to have PennDot contacted about the conditions on the scene. All patients refused medical treatment. Units responding to the scene were: Chief 20, Chief 20-B, Ambulance 20-2, Engine 20, Ambulance 20-1, 3732 (Millersburg Police), Ladder 20, Engine 20-1, and Brush 20. Units responding but cancelled enroute were: MICU 6-6, and MICU 6-3. Units were on the scene for 2? hours.
Camp Hebron Road Structure Fire - Wayne Twp, Dauphin Co, PA
Accident with Injuries and Entrapment - Wayne Twp, Dauphin Co, PA
An accident with injuries and entrapment occurred at 1395 Powells Valley Road, Wayne Township. One vehicle struck a tree, and two adults and one child were entrapped inside. All patients refused medical treatment. Units responding to the scene were: Engine 29, Chief 19-1, and Ambulance 13-2. Units responding but were cancelled enroute were: MICU 6-6, and Rescue 21. Units were on the scene for two hours. On this call, Ambulance 13-2 became stuck in a ditch on the icy road, and Engine 29 slid down the hill sideways for about 40 seconds before straightening back out.
Fire was used to destroy a Narragansett fort during the battle of the Great Swamp Fight. The Great Swamp Fight was a crucial battle fought during King Philip's War between the combined colonial militia of the Plymouth, Connecticut, and Massachusetts Bay Colonies and the Narragansett tribe. Long story made short: After 30 years of peace, the encroachment of the growing colonial population and the colonial push for religious conversion collided with native resistance to assimilation. John Sassamon, a converted "Praying Indian," was found murdered. Three Wampanoags were arrested, convicted, and hanged for his muderer. The allied warriors of the Narragansetts and Wampanoags subsequently waged a guerilla war against the colonists. After just a few months of fighting, the native forces had successful attacks on settlements in Massachusetts and Connecticuthad and had burned the settlement of Newport to the ground and heavily damaged Providence. The allied native forces began to run low on supplies and retreated to northern Rhode Island to open a cache of corn. Another native tribe allied with the colonists, told the colonists about the cache, and guided them on an ambush of the warriors. After which (presumably in revenge for the burning of Newport and Providence), on December 19, 1675, the colonists converged on southern Rhode Island, in the Great Swamp, where the Narragansetts had built a palisaded fort that housed the women, children, and elderly of the tribe. The massive fort, which occupied about five acres of land and initially housed over a thousand Indians, was over run after a fierce fight. The fort, including 500 to 600 wigwams, was burned, its inhabitants killed or evicted, and most of the tribe's winter stores were destroyed. From 300 to 1000 natives were killed. The colonists suffered about 70 of their men killed and nearly 150 more wounded.
A coal mine explosion in Jacobs Creek, Pennsylvania, killed 239 workers on December 19, 1907. The Pittsburgh Coal Company's two-mile deep Darr Mine was on the side of a mountain near the Youghiogheny River. At about 11:30 a.m. workers were below the surface when a huge explosion rocked the mine, shaking homes and shattering windows in Jacobs Creek. Thick black smoke poured out of the mine before the entrance collapsed. The victims died from a variety of causes: Some were crushed to death from the collapse of the mine, others suffocated, and the rest were killed by the blast itself.
The Wilberg Mine near Orangeville, in Emery County, Utah, caught fire on December 19, 1984. The fire claimed 27 lives: 18 miners and 9 company officials. The disaster was the worst coal mine fire in Utah history. The escape route of the 27 persons was cut off when the fire quickly engulfed the intake of the 5th Right longwall. The fire was caused by a faulty air compressor, which was allowed to run unattended in an area that was not fire-proofed.
Accident with Injuries - Clarks Valley - Middle Paxton Twp, Dauphin Co, PA
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The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
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