On This Day...

On This Day (January 8th)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Structure Fire, 521 Pottsville St (Box 23-11)
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Less than 24 hours after a 28 inch snowfall, companies 22, 23 and 24 were dispatched at 12:20 PM to 521 Pottsville Street in Wiconisco for a structure fire. Units arrived on the scene to find a two-story wood-frame building with heavy fire and smoke pouring from the front second floor windows. Just getting to the location was an adventure, and it was fortunate that there was little or no traffic on the roads. One of Company-22's crew, a firefighter of short stature, went around to the side entrance by hopping the yard fence and disappeared in the snow. He was located and pulled out rather quickly. One of the 'taller' guys made a path. Fire was contained to the second floor, with some water damage to first floor. The cause was determined to be electrical.
Smoke Investigation, 243 Main St (Box 22-11)

Brush Fire, 115 Main St (Box 22-11)

Medical Assist, 546 North Street (Box 22-1)
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At the request of EMS, which had an extended ETA to the scene, Company 22 was dispatched to 546 North Street for a medical assist. Truck 22 responded with a crew of four, and Chief 22-1 and other members responded POV. The crew initiated and continued patient care until an ambulance from Medic 6 arrived, and then went available.
CO Alarm, 656 North Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 and EMS dispatched to 656 North Street in Lykens for a report of a CO alarm activation. Chief 22 responded to the scene POV, Engine 22 responded with 4, and Truck 22 responded with 2. On arrival, crews found the occupants outside, reporting that the coal furnace had run out of coal in the hopper and the CO alarm had gone off. No one was reporting any ill effects. They had since refilled the hopper. Crews went interior and took CO readings. After checking the furnace and airing out the residence, command placed the company available.
Medical Assist, 801 Market Street (Box 22-2)
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Company 22 dispatched class three to assist EMS with the removal of an extremely large patient from his home at 801 Market Street in Lykens to their transport unit. Truck 22 responded with 7, and on arrival, assisted EMS with removal and transfer to their ambulance, and then went available.
Medical Assist, 801 Market Street (Box 22-2)
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Company 22 dispatched class three to assist EMS at 801 Market Street in Lykens with the return of an extremely large patient to his residence. Truck 22 responded with 7 and Utility 22 with 2. On arrival, crews assisted EMS with the removal of the patient from their unit to his residence, and then went available.
Smoke in a Structure, 44 S. Callowhill St (Box 21-1)
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Engine 22 dispatched class one to the Swab Wagon Company at 44 South Callowhill Street in Elizabethville for smoke in a structure. Engine 22 responded with 5 and was canceled by command while enroute.
Structure Fire, 1720 East Grand Ave (Box S.C.)
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Truck 22 dispatched on the first alarm to 1720 East Grand Avenue in Reinerton for a commercial structure fire. Truck 22 responded class one with 4 and Utility 22 with 2. On arrival, the Truck took side A and set ladders while the crew took the aerial to the roof for master stream operations. Additional crew members went to the roof and vented at multiple locations. The building was a 50 foot by 200 foot one story front, 2 story rear industrial building housing a machine shop that was through the roof on arrival. Engines 650, 647, 655, 58-15, 66, 23 and 21 were on East Grand Avenue, with Engine 659, Tankers 24 and 23 to the rear along with Truck 58-25. Tremont Engine 67-10 and Rescue 647 were also on side A, and Rescue 21 was special requested for manpower and air. Engine 27 relocated to station 23 and Rescue Engine 49 relocated to station 21. Crews went interior and did an initial knockdown, and found fire deep seated throughout the interior of the building. The rear roof portion of the building fell in on itself. An extended period of overhaul was performed. Crews continued working on extinguishing hot spots until released by command.
Automatic Fire Alarm, 506 Market Street (Box 22-1)
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The 22-1 box was dispatched for a report of a smoke alarm sounding in a apartment building located at 506 Market Street in Lykens. With the Truck and Utility working a commercial structure fire in Reinerton, the dispatch called for Engine 22, Engine 27 which was standing by at station 23, and Truck 20 in place of Truck 22 which was in Reinerton. Chief 22-1 responded POV to the scene, and Engine 22 responded with 3. Engine 27 responded from station 23 with 5 and arrived on scene first with Chief 22-1. They had a 50 foot by 200 foot 2 story apartment building with an audible alarm sounding that was heard from the street. Crews went interior, and found a broken water line that had caused water damage to the interior of the building, which apparently also set off one of the smoke alarms. Command contacted the owner, secured the property, and placed the box available.
Chimney Fire, 467 Dividing Ridge Road (Box 216-1)
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Truck 22 dispatched class one to Jackson Township at 467 Dividing Ridge Road for a chimney fire. Truck 22 went enroute with 6 and while enroute was canceled by Chief 216 and redirected to the structure fire with entrapment in Millersburg (see next call).
Structure Fire, 360 Church Street (Box 20-1)
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After being cleared from the 216 box (see previous call)Truck 22 was requested by Command 20 to respond class one to their call at 360 Church Street in Millersburg for a structure fire with entrapment. Truck 22 was all ready in route with 6 and approaching Elizabethville at the time. On arrival the Truck came in on Church Street and staged behind Engine 21 and sent their crew forward where they split up. Two members relieved the bucket crew from Truck 20 while the remainder pulled and set ladders to the structure which was a 3 story wood frame duplex with fire in the attic and roof. After setting ladders the crew went interior with Chief 26 to the attic to assist with suppression activities. Once interior crews from 28, 26, 21, 29, and 22 worked the attic extinguishing fire and beginning overhaul. Crews continued until released by Command 20.
Smoke in a Structure, 522 Market Street (Box 22-1)
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The 22-1 box dispatched class one to 522 Market Street at Julies Cafe for a report of smoke in the basement. Chief 22 went POV to the scene. Engine 22 responded with 4 and staged on side A and sent manpower in to the basement. Truck 22 responded with 7 and staged on the D side of the structure and sent manpower in. Utility 22 went enroute with 2 and staged behind the Truck. Investigation found a burned ground wire to an electrical panel in the basement. Command held the box to Company 22. After ventilating the structure Command placed the box available.
Medical Assist, 348 White Oak Road (Box 19-1)
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At the request of EMS Utility 22 dispatched class three to 348 White Oak Road in Jefferson Township to assist Medic 6 with access to a patient. A recent snow had covered White Oak Road which had not yet been plowed and EMS could not get to the residence. Utility 22 responded with 4 and was canceled while enroute when township crews on scene provided access.
Laundry room fire, 100 South 7th Street (Box S.C.)
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Truck 22 and Tanker 24 out of Dauphin County dispatched class one on the first alarm to 100 South 7th Street in Porter Township Schuylkill County for a dryer fire in a multi residential apartment complex known as Tower View Apartments. Truck 22 responded with 7 and Tanker 24 with 4. On arrival of a 2 story L shaped multi occupancy apartment building the Truck was assigned to the A/B corner and prepared to set up while part of the crew went interior to join up with Schuylkill Engine 22-5's crew to complete searches on the second floor. The crew completed the primary search and assisted with taking several resident outside of the building. One apartment had a very slight haze so a negative pressure fan was brought to the room to provide ventilation. After completing that task the crew completed a secondary search of the second floor and then returned to the manpower pool on side A. Crews from Tower City and Muir entered the laundry room on the first floor and extinguished a dryer with fire in the vent. Command marked control and began releasing units, and the Truck was placed in service.
Garage Fire, 437 West Broad Street (Box 24-1)
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Truck 22 dispatched class one to 437 West Broad Street in Williamstown for a garage fire. Tanker 24 reported a working fire and had the box upgraded which added Engine 22. Truck 22 responded with 5 and Engine 22 with 3. An additional 4 members responded POV to the scene. On arrival on Broad Street both rigs beached and sent manpower to the rear of the address where a 24 by 32 foot concrete block one story garage had burned nearly to the ground and crews from 24 and 23 were using handlines to extinguish the remaining hot spots. Extensive overhaul was performed with a crew from Engine 27 also arriving on scene. Crews continued with overhaul until Command 24 released Companies and held it to 24.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

Lahr House Fire - Curtin, PA
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Sparks from a defective chimney ignited the home of Mr & Mrs Lahr in Curtin (Mifflin Township) on January 8, 1952, at 7 p.m. A passing motorist alerted the Lahr's of the situation. The Millersburg Fire Company was called. They responded and put the fire out using their booster tank and buckets. The loss was estimated at $150.
Other Noteworthy Incidents/Events (see Note 3)Show

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.
5.The camera icon indicates that the detail page of the particular incident contains at least one picture.

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