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On This Day (January 11th)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Fire, Sholley's Service Station
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Damage estimated at $12,000 to $15,000 was caused by fire on Sunday morning, January 11, 1942, when the Sholley Service Station, west of Lykens was completely destroyed by fire. Firemen from Lykens, Williamstown, Wiconisco, and Elizabethville tried to halt the advance of the flames, which was discovered at approximately 10:30AM and burned for more than two hours. While definate assurance is lacking as to the exact cause of the blaze, it is believed to have its origin in the cellar, in the area of the heating boiler. Leo Sholley, proprietor of the station, was attending morning church services when the blaze was discovered by his brother, John Sholley, who was an attendant at the station. In addition to housing the auto service, the large framed building also housed a taproom, large store room where used furniture was bought and sold, and on the second floor was the nearly completed apartment being built by Mr. Sholley for his future living quarters. Water to assist in arresting the flames was not available immediately upon the arrival of the firemen, who were obliged to run a line from a fire plug in the borough limits to the burning building. Elizabethville firemen pumped water from the Wiconisco Creek, a distance of but 150 feet from the building. Flames roared high in the air, burning insulation from high tension wires of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, interrupting electric service in Lykens and Elizabethville for more than a half-hour. Presumably caused by terrific heat from the burning building was the running of electric motors in the gasoline pumps in front of the building, which spurted gasoline for a considerable distance, harrassing, for a time, the work of the firemen. The Miller home, across the street from the burning building, was slightly damaged, but the fire was kept under control and spreading was prevented. Additional Notes: The above text references the location of this fire as "west of Lykens" and refers to running hose lines from within the borough limits. It should be noted that the location of this fire was not in the Borough of Lykens at the time. Sholley's was located on the north side of Main Street, just east of the Wiconisco Creek bridge. The area west of Division Street, between the Wiconisco and Rattling Creeks, did not become part of the Borough until the annexation of April 1958.
Structure Fire, 443 West Main Street (Box 21-1)
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Truck 22 was dispatched to a possible structure fire with entrapment in Elizabethville. Truck 22 responded and, from Chief 21 on the scene, was advised of a working fire in a duplex with all occupants out of the buildings. On arrival, the truck crew staged on side 1 and sent their manpower to the basement to assist with ventilation. The crew assisted with suppression activities until released by command.
Medical Assist, 304 North Second Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 was dispatched class-1 to 304 North Second Street to assist EMS with an unconscious patient. Truck 22 responded with a crew of seven, while Chiefs 22 and 22-1 responded to the scene POV. On arrival, the Truck was placed in service by EMS and returned available.
Accident with injuries, 218 Main Street (Box 22-1)
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Engine 22, Rescue 23, and Medic 6 dispatched to 218 Main Street In Lykens Boro for an accident with injuries. Further information on the dispatch was that the patient was at that address but the vehicle was at the bridge at the end of town. Engine 22 responded with 6 and Chief 22 and Lieutenant 22-1 responded POV. EMS was all ready on scene with the patient at 218 Main Street, so Engine 22 and Rescue 23 proceeded to the reported accident scene. On arrival, a pickup truck was found into a tree off the right side of the road, almost into the creek, with significant cab damage. Crews from 22 and 23 checked the vehicle and confirmed that there were no further patients. The pickup was located in Wiconisco Township. On the arrival of Wiconisco PD, the Engine and Rescue were placed in service.
Medical Assist, 801 Market Street (Box 22-2)
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At the request of Chief 24A, companies 22 and 23 dispatched class three to 801 Market Street to assist EMS with lifting an extremely obese patient back into his bed. Truck 22 responded with 4, and Rescue 23 with 5. On arrival, crews assisted EMS with putting the patient back in bed, and then went available.
Medical Assist, 530 North 2nd Street (Box 22-1)
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At the request of EMS, Company 22 dispatched class three to 530 North Second Street in Lykens to assist with extricating a patient from a second floor. Chiefs 22 and 22-1 went enroute POV and Truck 22 responded with 4. On arrival, the crew removed the patient from the second floor to the ambulance and then went available.
Medical Assist, 527 Spruce Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 dispatched class one to 527 Spruce Street in Lykens for an unconscious person. EMS had an extended ETA. Chief 22 responded POV, Utility 22 went enroute with 2 and Truck 22 with 7. On arrival at a 2 story multi occupancy apartment building approximately 50 by 100 foot ordinary construction by the Chief and Utility the crew initiated patient care. Patient was alert and talking. Truck 22 arrived and staged. Crew continued with patient care until the arrival of Schuylkill 6702. Crew assisted them with moving the patient to their unit for transport and then went available.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

Attempted Arson - Tremont, PA
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On January 11, 1995, a Tremont couple had an argument and the wife left the home, returning later with State Police to collect some clothes. The husband locked them out and set fire to the house. He eventually let them in after the house filled with smoke. He was admitted to Pottsville Hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation and was jailed for arson.
Other Noteworthy Incidents/Events (see Note 3)Show

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.
5.The camera icon indicates that the detail page of the particular incident contains at least one picture.

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