On This Day...

On This Day (June 19th)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Fire, Dormar Mfg, Gratz
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At 6:30PM an alarm was turned in for a fire in the Dormar Manufacturing Company in Gratz. The entire cutting building measuring 300? x 50? was destroyed in the fire. Total loss was over $100,000. Firemen from the Gratz Fire Company were assisted at the scene by firemen from the Pillow Fire Company, Reliance Hose Company No. 1 of Elizabethville, Millersburg Fire Company, Halifax and Community Fire Company, Liberty Hose Company No. 2 of Lykens, Berrysburg and Community Fire Company, Valley View Fire Company, Klingerstown Fire Company, and the Wiconisco Fire Company.
Car Fire, Food-Rite Parking Lot (Box 22-1)

Brush Fire, Mountain St (Box 23-11)

Barn Fire, 5600 Route 209 (Box 21-6)
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A first alarm assignment was dispatched for a barn fire at Mattern's in Loyalton. Companies 21 (engine, tanker, rescue), 22 (engine, tanker, truck), and 26 (engine, tanker) responded. County reported that a barn was fully involved, had spread to several vehicles adjacent to the barn, was endangering a home next to the barn, and had begun spreading through a field behind the barn. Engine-22, under the command of Lieutenant-22, was first on scene reporting that the barn was lost and requested a second alarm assignment plus additional brush units to stop the spread of the field fire. Several vehicles were on fire and personnel used what water they had to stop the advancement of the fire towards the house. Companies 20 (engine, tanker, truck, brush), 27 (engine, tanker), and 23 (engine, tanker, squad, brush) and brush 26 were dispatched. A tanker shuttle was set up and knockdown was achieved. A family dog perished in the barn, but the house was untouched and the field fire was stopped. Low manpower was a factor.
Structure w/fatal, 634-36 West St (Box 24-1)
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Company members had just returned from a carnival parade at Wiconisco. Muir Engine-650 was returning to quarters. When they passed through the Borough of Williamstown, they saw heavy smoke in the area. They turned onto West Street and discovered a fully involved duplex two-story residence with entrapment. After notifying Dauphin County, the first alarm asignment was dispatched, bringing: Engine and Tanker 24; Engine, Squad, and Tanker 23; Truck-22; and Engine and Rescue 66. Most units were still in Wiconisco, and responded from that location. Engine-650 expended their available water attempting to gain access to the structure to effect a rescue, but the crew was turned back by heavy fire conditions. Truck-22 responded with five personnel and arrived on scene behind Engine-650. Unable to get close enough to use the aerial device, members pulled and set up ladders on sides 1 and 3. Crews entered the structure for further rescue attempts which were unsuccessful. Command later requested Engine-22, Rescue-21, Reinerton Engine and Tower City Air Light. Chief-24's residence was two feet from side-4, and exposure control was maintained there as well as side-2, where another structure was only three feet away. After extensive interior firefighting operations, the fire was controlled. Personnel then attempted to locate victims that had been trapped inside. Two persons were located and turned over to the Coroner's personnel and PSP. Company members assisted with salvage and overhaul until being released by command.
Structure Fire, 129 East Street (Box 24-1)
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Truck-22 was dispatched, along with Companies 23, 24, and 66, to 129 East Street in Williamstown for a structure fire. Truck-22 responded with a crew of seven, but was canceled while enroute. This fire location was the scene of a multiple structure fire two days prior to this call. The property owner was cleaning out the attic of burned items and saw a smoke haze and smelled something burning. The crew from Company-24 discovered a smoldering bird nest in the attic.
Accident with injuries, 25 Main Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 and Rescue 23 dispatched class one to 25 Main Street at the Gas station for an accident with injuries. Chief 22-1, who lives across the street, responded and was on scene in seconds, and reported two vehicles in the parking lot of the mini market with 4 possible injuries, but no entrapment. He placed Rescue 23 in service. Engine 22 responded class one with 4 and Utility 22 with 3. On arrival, the crew began patient assessment and immobilization of one patient with pain, along with assessing the remaining patients. Two EMS units from 24, one from Schuylkill 959 (Tower City) and Medic 6 arrived on scene along with PSP. The crew assisted with transferring the patients to their units for transport to the hospital. The crew remained on scene until Recovery 21 completed the removal of one vehicle and Teter's removed the other. Command then placed the box available.
AFA, 5074 Route 209 (Box 21-5)
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Company 21 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 5074 Route 209 in Washington Township at the NAPA Auto Parts Store for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 responded with 7, and a crew of 6 stood by with Engine 22. Engine 21, Tanker 21, and Chief 21-1 responded to the scene. On arrival, the Truck took the address of a one story commercial building, 25 by 50, and stood by until released by command.
AFA, 35 East Broad Street (Box 21-1)
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Company 21 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 35 East Broad Street in Elizabethville at the Frontier Communications building for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 responded with 7 and on arrival, took side A of a one story commercial business structure with Engine 21 on side D and Command established by Chief 21-2. Audible alarms were sounding and a keyholder was enroute. The bucket went to the roof to perform a check and found nothing. After arrival of the keyholder an interior check was done by crew from Company 21 and found a faulty detector. Command placed the box in service.
Structure Fire, 801 State Street (Box 20-1)
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Truck 22 dispatched for Truck 20 on the 20-1 box at Cathys Critters at 801 State Street in Millersburg for a structure fire. Command 20 placed the Truck available before response.
CO Alarm, 417 Center Street (Box 23-1)
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Engine 23 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 417 Center Street in Wiconisco for a CO Alarm. Truck 22 responded with 7 and as they arrived on scene were placed in service by Command 23.
Commercial Structure Fire, 347 Weaver Road (Box 26-4)
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Truck 22 dispatched class one on the 26-4 box in Mifflin Township for a commercial structure fire at S & L Spindles. Truck 22 responded with 7 and Utility 22 with 5. Later into the call Engine 22 was dispatched and responded with 1. On arrival of a very large Amish wood fabrication plant there was a reported fire in the shavings bin. Command 26 advised the Truck to beach their rig and send manpower to the Charlie side to assist Truck 20 with Truck ops. The crew reported to the C side and sent two members to the roof while the remainder laddered the building and began venting the rear of the structure. Crews continued to perform truck work until relieved. Schuylkill Rescue Engine 22-11 was relocated to Station 22. They remained there until the 22 crew returned and assisted with putting the rigs back in service before clearing the call.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

Wires Down - Gratz, PA

Police Assist - Suspicious Package - Jackson Twp, Dauphin Co, PA

Other Noteworthy Incidents/Events (see Note 3)Show

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.
5.The camera icon indicates that the detail page of the particular incident contains at least one picture.

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