1939 |
Fire, Commercial Hotel barn |
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| | A large frame barn on the property of the Commercial Hotel on Main Street was completely destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered by nearby residents on Tuesday morning (August 29th, 1939) at 9AM. Immediately upon discovery of the blaze, an alarm was sounded, to which the fire companies of Lykens and Wiconisco responded. Upon their arrival, it was discovered that the blaze had gained considerable headway and that little could be done to save the structure. While several streams were played on the barn fire, care was necessary and precautions were taken to prevent the spread of fire to dangerously close dwellings and garages. Both fire companies did excellent work and after about two hours of burning, the flames were extinguished with little remaining of the barn except a portion of the sidewall. The loss was estimated at $2,000 and was partially covered by insurance. The building burned rapidly and when the flames were the hottest, fire caused by burning embers was reported on the roof of the homes of Leo Dreisagacker and Claud Keiser, both on Main Street. In both instances, chemicals were used by the firemen to extinguish the blaze. Also destroyed with the building was the automobile owned by Michael Kerwin of Lykens, a large electric sign for the hotel, lighting fixtures, gas stoves, show cases, and numerous other items taken from the Main Street building of the I.O.O.M. In fighting the blaze, five firemen were slightly burned and treated at the office of Dr. C.C. Bobb, on Market Street. |
2003 |
Wires Down, 202 Lawley Rd (Box 22-1) |
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| | Company 22 was dispatched to Lawley Road for a tree on wires. Engine 22 responded and found a tree that had fallen and knocked down wires with it. The crew cut up the tree, cleared the road, and went available. |
2010 |
Smoke odor inside a structure, 120 West Market Street (Box 27-1) |
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| | The 27-1 box was dispatched for a report of something burning inside a structure at 120 West Market Street in Gratz. This brought companies 27, 26, 28, Northumberland 65 and Truck 22. Truck 22 responded with 7, and while enroute were advised by Chief 27 to reduce their response to class three. On arrival on side A, command placed the Truck in service. |
2014 |
AFA, 300 Chestnut Street (Box 22-1) |
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| | Company 22, 23 and Truck 20 dispatched class one to 300 Chestnut Street in Lykens at the Alfa Laval Thermal Plant for an automatic fire alarm. Chief 22 responded POV, and on arrival was informed by plant staff that it was a false trip, steam from a boiler. Chief 22 placed the box available before any apparatus responded.
2017 |
Structure Fire, 201 East Spruce St (Box 24-1) |
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| | Company 24, Engine and Rescue 23, Schuylkill Engine 647 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 201 East Spruce Street in Williamstown for a reported structure fire, fire on a stove. Truck 22 responded with 7 and on arrival took side A of a two story wood frame construction residence. Command 24 advised that it was food on the stove now out. A crew from the Truck took a TIC into the kitchen to check for extensions, finding none. The Truck was then placed available by command. |
2018 |
Shed Fire, 501 East Market Street (Box 27-1) |
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| | Truck 22 dispatched class one on the 27-1 box for a reported shed fire at 501 East Market Street in Gratz. Also dispatched were companies 27, 26, 28, 23 and Medic 6. Truck 22 responded with 7 and was canceled by command shortly after response. |
2020 |
AFA, 113 Autumn Drive (Box 24-3) |
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| | Truck 22 dispatched class one on the 24-3 box to Laurel Hill Apartments at 113 Autumn Drive in Williamstown for an automatic fire alarm. Truck 22 responded with 6 and on arrived on scene side A of a 2 story apartment housing complex with Engines 24 and 23 all ready on scene. The crew split up with 2 going to side C looking for entry and 2 going to the second floor front bedroom window by way of a ladder thrown by the 24 crew. Once interior primary searches were completed with nothing found. Command placed the box available. |
2021 |
Chimney Fire, 78 East Main St (Box 21-1) |
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| | Company 21 and Truck 22 dispatched class one to 78 East Main Street in Elizabethville for a chimney fire. Truck 22 was canceled by command prior to response. |
2023 |
Medical Assist, 530 North Second St (Box 22-1) |
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| | Company 22 dispatched class one to 530 North Second Street in Lykens for a second due ALS medical call. Truck 22 responded with 4 and Chief 22-1 and one additional member went POV to the scene. On arrival, patient contact was made and vitals taken while waiting for an ambulance to arrive from Tremont. Once they arrived, patient care was transferred to Medic 67-01 and the Truck and crew responded to another call in the Boro (see call number 89). |
2023 |
AFA, 601 Main Street (Box 22-1) |
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| | Engine 22 and Truck 20 dispatched class one to 601 Main Street at the Israel Building for an automatic fire alarm. Engine 22 responded with 2 and Truck 22 cleared the previous call (see call number 88) and responded with 4. Chief 22-1 went POV along with 3 other members POV. On arrival the Engine took the FDC on side B and the Truck took side A of a three story 50 foot by 75 foot multiple occupancy apartment building. Crews went interior and found a faulty detector in the rear second floor hallway. The building was turned over to the building manager who contacted their maintenance department to respond to the scene to fix the system. The box was placed available. |