On This Day...

On This Day (October 16th)
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Incidents for which we were dispatched (see Note 1)Hide

Fire, George Spangle home
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Fire broke out at the property of George Spangler on North Second Street on October 16, 1908 at 11:15 AM. The company responded with both carts but did not attach hose. ----------------------- Newspaper Article Pigeon Sets Roof on fire. Tuesday morning about 11:30 o'clock, the roof at the west end of George Spangler's residence on North Second street was noticed to be on fire around the chimney and an alarm was turned in, but the services of the Fire Department were not required, as the flames were extinguished before their arrival upon the scene. Shortly before that, several pigeons with bunches of fire-crackers tied to their legs, and which had escaped un-injured from a shooting match north of town, or were to be used in a match at some future time, were seen flying about in that section, pieces of burning firerackers falling in an adjoining yard. One of the pigeons alighted on Mr. Spangler's chimney and no doubt particles of the burning crackers fell down alongside the chimney and caused the fire, as there had been no fire in any of the stoves in that end of the building for some time. This should be a warning to parties who use fire crackers to make pigeons fly faster, as they would be responsibe for any damage resulting there from.
Structure Fire, 324 N. 2nd St (Box 22-)

Relocate, Station 21 (Box 20-1)
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Company-22 was dispatched to relocate to Station-21. Companies 20 and 21 were on the scene of a hazardous materials spill on the railroad tracks outside of Millersburg with a Norfolk Southern rail car leaking chlorine gas. Intial reports were that the car was leaking and reports were coming in from as far away as Snyder and Northumberland Counties. Engine-20, Engine-201, Tanker-20, and Engine and Rescue 21 were on the call. Engine 29-1 relocated to Station-20. Chief 21-3 requested Engine-22 to relocate to Station-21. Truck-22, with a crew of seven, was enroute to the UDA Elementary School for a fire prevention program at the time. Dispatch was contacted to ask if the truck would suffice for the relocate and if its being staffed in Loyalton, was OK. Chief 21-3 agreed and asked that the Truck continue to Station-21 for the relocate at the conclusion of the fire prevention program. Truck-22 and the crew continued to the school and performed the program. As the crew was preparing to leave the school to go to Station-21, Chief 21-3 advised that Company-21 was available and Company-22 could be placed in service. The truck returned to quarters available.
Medical Assist, 530 North Street (Box 22-1)
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At the request of Chief 24A on scene, Company 22 dispatched to assist EMS with forcible entry at 530 North Street in Lykens. The company was placed in service before response after EMS gained entry to the residence.
Tree down, Powells Valley Road (Box 216-8)
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Company 22 dispatched class three to Powells Valley Road in Jackson Township about 3 miles from Lykens Boro for a report of a tree down. Chief 22 and Lieutenant 22 responded POV and Utility 22 went enroute with 5. Chief 22 arrived on scene and informed the crew that the location was just below the entrance to Lykens Road on Powells Valley Road and informed the County that the roadway was blocked. On the arrival of the Utility, the crew used chainsaws and a leaf blower to cut up and remove the approximately 1 foot diameter tree from across the road and cleaned up the debris. After re-opening the road the box was placed available.
Cardiac Arrest - AED, 323 Spruce Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 dispatched class one to 323 Spruce Street in Lykens for a cardiac arrest AED response. Chief 22 went POV to the scene. Utility 22 went enroute with 2 and Truck 22 with 7 plus several members POV to the scene. On arrival of the chief and apparatus the crew made patient contact and started CPR and followed that with assisting Medic 6 and EMS from 24 until released by them.
Medical Assist, 15 South 2nd Street (Box 22-1)
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Company 22 dispatched class one to the Rattling Creek Apartments at 15 South Second Street in Lykens for the knox box key. EMS was unable to gain entry to the building. Chief 22 responded with 2 additional firefighters and the knox key POV to the scene. On arrival the EMS crew had gained entry and the Company was placed available.
Motel Fire, 1615 North River Road (Box 29-4)
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Truck 22 dispatched class one as next due Truck on the 29-4 box to 1615 North River Road in Halifax Township for a structure fire at the Halifax Inn. Truck 22 went enroute with 7 and Utility 22 with 1. The Company was placed available while enroute by command 29 when they held the box to units on scene with control marked.
Other Local Incidents (see Note 2)Hide

Multiple Structure Fire - Tower City, PA
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Fire destroyed a double two-story frame dwelling and another residence on Main Street in Tower City on the morning of Monday, October 16, 1939. Three families were routed from their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoffstall and Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Kelly lived in the double house. Mrs. Jennie Challenger occupied the neighboring house. The total estimated loss was $8,000. Six fire companies battled the blaze.
Other Noteworthy Incidents/Events (see Note 3)Show

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1.The section of calls we've responded to has been compiled from fire company records, newspapers, and other sources. Listings for years prior to 1981 might be incomplete.
2.The listing of local incidents is for incidents that happened around our local area, including some from Lykens for which the fire company was not dispatched. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents listed here have been gathered from public sources.
3.The listing of other noteworthy incidents includes incidents from anywhere outside our local area (for which we were not dispatched). Also included in this section are historical events from our fire company, Lykens, or around the world. It is certainly not a complete listing, and is not intended to be. It is included here for your entertainment. Incidents and events listed here have been gathered from public sources.
4.These lists can be filtered. Use the control section above to activate or de-activate filtering. Filtering will not affect the list of incidents we've responded to. But, it will be applied to both the other lists.

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